What is Leadership Pipeline? October 16, 2020 By lwleadership By Todd Adkins Far too often in our churches, we think it’s the job of the pastor and church staff to develop volunteers and leaders when there’s a gap in ministry. This leads us to focus on …
Weather Patterns and Leading Change October 14, 2020 By lwleadership By Todd Adkins When I served as a campus and executive pastor in the D.C. area, I recruited a man named Bob Krulogoski as a small group leader at our first multisite campus. As our campus grew, …
90 Second Leadership – Leading Waves of Change October 12, 2020 By lwleadership Today I want to talk to you about leading waves of change in your church. Now, in another episode of 90 Second Leadership you may have heard me discuss risk vs. rewards as a new leader. Securing …
Succeed in Church Communications October 9, 2020 By lwleadership By Darrel Girardier The field of church communication is always growing and developing. There will always be a new platform, technique, or way to utilize a platform that keeps you on your …
Response to Abuse by a Church Leader, Part 3 October 7, 2020 By lwleadership By Brad Hambrick This is the final article of a three-part series in which we will continue providing guidance on how to respond if a church leader is abusive in their role as pastor or ministry …