Change Is an Art and a Science October 28, 2020 By lwleadership By Todd Adkins Leading change in any organization is both an art and a science and requires us to be agile leaders. There comes a time when you must quickly assess a situation, understand the …
90 Second Leadership – Relinquishing Responsibility as a Leader October 26, 2020 By lwleadership Today, I want to talk to you about relinquishing responsibility as a leader. Now, if you watch 90SL often, you know that I promote four steps to equip and develop a new leader, but what happens …
Spotting a First-Time Guest October 23, 2020 By lwleadership By Danny Franks A key characteristic of any guest services team at your church must be the ability to spot a first-time guest. In a small church, this task may seem easy since everybody knows …
How to Meet One-on-One with Church Staff October 21, 2020 By lwleadership By Mark Satterfield Early in my ministry leadership, I was responsible for several life groups and met one-on-one with those leaders. I quickly realized I was not in control of these meetings. …
90 Second Leadership – Clearer Decision Making October 19, 2020 By lwleadership Today I want to talk to you about clearer decision making in your church. Now, people stop making good and quick decisions in your church because the process between the information that they …