If you don’t recruit leaders, you have no one to develop.
In the Great Commission, Jesus commands His followers to go and make disciples, who in turn make disciples, who in turn make disciples. This commissioning is not for an elite class of leaders or pastors. It’s for all believers. The reality is your legacy is not something you do; it’s the people you develop.
Yesterday we hosted Pipeline: Recruit, Develop, Repeat in Nashville, Tennessee, where church leaders gathered to discuss the importance of ongoing recruiting, developing, and deploying leaders in every ministry role and context, from volunteers to senior leadership and staff.
Did you miss out on this event? No worries! All speaker sessions are available on Ministry Grid. And for this week only, you can get a subscription for your church for only $399! Purchase a subscription today to watch Carey Nieuwhof, Albert Tate, Clayton King, Thom Rainer, Tami Heim, Léonce Crump, Shannon Miles, Kevin Peck, Josh Patterson, Danny Franks, and Todd Adkins.
For more info on Ministry Grid or to purchase, click here. Offer valid through 10/17/2018.
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