There’s something about being young and a little green on the vine. For those of us that are still considered “young,” our passion can be our greatest asset. Maybe it’s because we haven’t been tarnished by all of the struggles of life or jaded by disappointments, but for the most part we’re very passionate people. It’s one of our greatest assets if we learn what it means and what to do with it, especially for those of us in leadership.
Passion is as much if a synonym for leadership as any other word in the English language. Sure, leadership is much more than passion, but passion is the fuel in leadership. Passion, in its simplest form is that thing that powers who we are. Without passion, we’ll do little and accomplish nothing. Without the things that fuel us, we’ll be just another person wandering from place to place, job to job, day to day without a cause or purpose.
1. Passion is birthed in the heart
The heart is home base for our cardiovascular system. It is no coincidence that we see the heart as the resting place for the soul. The heart is the place deep down inside of us that believes, hopes, dreams, loves, and desires. That’s where our passion comes from. That place that moves us and burns deep within us.
2. Passion requires a cause
True passion that changes a leader’s life comes from a place of a seen need. It comes from what we see and becomes who we are and what we live for. Whether a need to better other people’s lives, a need for others to come to belief in Christ, or a need to make life more confident, real passion comes from a place of recognizing the bigger picture, of seeing the cause behind the vision.
3. Passion requires action
If passion is the fuel, action is the accelerator. Passion that isn’t followed by action is nothing more than a decent idea. Passion moves us to act. Passion is the thing that turns our statements and conversations about what could be from, “Man, I wish someone would change that,” to “I’ve got to do something!” or “This has to be done!”
4. Passion propels us
Passion is what gets us up in the morning. Passion is what keeps us moving forward regardless of how we feel or what’s been done to us. Our passion moves us forward. We have to use it. We have to use the fire that God’s placed inside of us. That’s how the world is changed.
This is part 5 of a 5-part blog series for young leaders. To read the full series:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Jonathan Pearson is a Pastor at Cornerstone Community Church. He is author of Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make.
To read more about shifts great young leaders make, pick up Jonathan Pearson’s book here.