What I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Ministry – Russell Moore
Dr. Moore recently realized he passed 20 years since his ordination, and so he called to mind some of the important lessons he’s learned over the years.
How to Avoid Losing Your Team’s Talented Leaders – Brian Dodd
There is a difference between hiring talented leaders and retaining talented leaders. Retaining talented leaders is far more difficult. Dodd shares lessons he gleaned from an interview, which will prove valuable to all organizations hoping to retain the services of their top leaders.
12 Things Great Leaders Do That Poor Leaders Don’t – Carey Nieuwhof
Ever wonder what separates great leaders from poor leaders? Ever wonder whether you’re developing the practices and qualities of great leadership? Change your attitude, gain some discipline, and you can become a far better leader.
6 Characteristics of Leaders Who Finish Well – Paul Sohn
Paul recalls lessons learned from Bobby Clinton, professor of leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary, about the 6 essential characteristics of leaders who finished well.