3 Ways Social Media Can Help Curb Church Attendance Decline – Sam Rainer
Decreasing attendance frequency is one of the biggest reasons why churches decline. Can social media help? Sam has seen evidence that it can. Here are suggestions on how social media can effectively boost church attendance.
7 Ways To Battle Discouragement in Leadership – Carey Nieuwhof
Have you ever felt discouraged only to realize it’s only Monday? You’re not alone. Discouragement is epidemic among leaders. Here are 7 keys to overcoming the tough seasons.
10 Habits of Ultra-Likeable Leaders – Travis Bradberry
If you want to be a leader whom people follow with absolute conviction, you have to be a likable leader. Tyrants and curmudgeons with brilliant vision can command a reluctant following for a time, but it never lasts. They burn people out before they ever get to see what anyone is truly capable of.
When is the Right Time of the Day to Work? – Claire Diaz-Ortiz
It may sound over-the-top to not only figure out the best times of days to do these things, but then also try to build a schedule around it, but Claire explains why it’s pretty close to fundamental if we want to slowly work towards having better days, and better lives.