Should Christians Be the Best Workers? – Steve Graves
The best performers in the workplace can often be the ones who blindly put work above everything else. Where does that leave priorities for people of faith who know family should come first? Excellent insights from Steve Graves.
25 Practices of Highly Successful Leaders – Brian Dodd
Dodd’s insights from Pete Carroll, head coach of the Seattle Seahawks book, Win Forever. Coach Carroll is one of the most accomplished leaders in sports, and he describes in great detail his leadership philosophy in this book.
Do Pastors Wield Too Much Power? – Charles Stone
Stone has served in vocational ministry for over 35 years and he knew intuitively his position brought power over people, but not until several years ago did he understand the unique power his position, and every pastor’s position, carries. This is a power to be used wisely, to bless others.
10 Ways to Be a Life-Long Learner – Paul Sohn
Are you utilizing all of these aspects of learning in order to effectively increase your leadership ability? Sohn compiles a great list to consider.