The Mars Hill Postmortem – Trevin Wax
“The news of Mark Driscoll’s resignation closes a painful chapter in the life of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. This is a time to pray for the Driscoll family, Mars Hill Church, and those who have suffered through various forms of spiritual abuse. What can we learn from this situation? We should consider four lessons to take away.”
7 Ways I Protect My Ministry and Marriage From an Affair – Rod Edmondson
“It seems every day we hear of another big name celebrity, politician or pastor that has fallen into the temptation of lust and had an affair. I think it is dangerous for any leader to assume this could never happen to him or her.”
Measuring the Intangible with 6 Symptoms of Discipleship – Ben Savage
“Spiritual growth and engagement is largely intangible. You can’t measure someone’s growing love for and connection to God using a yardstick. So we look for the outward signs of a disciple. This is not a foolproof plan either; we all know stories of individuals who have outwardly lived “as they should” only to reveal later that there was little to no real connection to the Father.”
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