Lose Your Life to Find It – Pete Scazzero
Jesus said we must lose our lives to find it. One essential way we do this is by learning the art of interior silence. This choice to turn away from internal and external noise in order to be with Jesus is difficult work.
5 Ways to Equip Disciples as Gospel Ministers – Jeff Vanderstelt
The church is God’s plan for saturation. Christ in us and Christ through us, every day and everywhere, so that through us Christ might be preeminent in everything. I call this gospel saturation.
Second Screen Experiences in Church – Rob Jacobs
The ability to harness and enhance a message or sermon synchronously using second-screen app technology would have a powerful visual impact and increase learning and understanding
5 Things Great Leaders Do Everyday – Peter Economy
Great leaders all share something in common–they have certain habits that they do every single day. Take after them to embody the same characteristics, no matter who you’re leading.