By Courtney Vessey
From Moses to King David to Jesus, humility is clearly a characteristic God values. Humility is something all followers of Jesus Christ are called to live out, but we also must cultivate humility as servant leaders in our churches and ministries. Here are three keys to humility as a leader from Philippians 2.
Humility of purpose (Philippians 2:1-2)
All that we accomplish in ministry should be toward the goal of striving together for the faith of the gospel. There are many perks to serving in a church, but we can’t get so caught up in the perks that we forget about the purpose. Our leadership brings people together for the purpose of extending the gospel. Is everything in your ministry pointing back to that purpose? If not, are you humble enough to admit you need to realign what you’re doing in ministry toward this purpose?
Humility of mind (Philippians 2:3-4)
Since our security is in God, we look out for others’ interests instead of acting from rivalry or empty glory. Do you let everyone at your ministry table give input into what you’re doing, or do you seek the glory for yourself? This doesn’t mean you are a doormat. It does mean that you are so secure and confident in what God has called you to do as a leader in your ministry that you are willing to elevate other to accomplish your purpose.
Humility of example (Philippians 2:5)
Most other worldly religions are based on a merit system full of do’s and don’ts. But our Savior doesn’t ask us to do or follow anything that He Himself has not done. We model Christ’s behavior to empty ourselves in humility for God’s glory. As you lead in the kingdom work of God, lead with humility of purpose, of mind, and of Jesus Christ’s example.
Adapted from Training Pathway: Women’s Ministry. Check out more training videos on Ministry Grid.