It has been a powerful year of growth and impact for the Lifeway Church Leaders blog. Thousands of leaders are now following us on twitter, facebook and subscribing to our podcast on iTunes. We are honored to be in your life, and part of your development and growth as a leader that serves the Church.
Here’s a look back at some of our favorite articles of the year:
Best Quotes from 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership by Jenni Catron
Jenni serves on the executive team at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Menlo Park, CA. Her new book The Four Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership reveals the secrets to standout leadership found in the Great Commandment. Jenni shares, “Leadership is only as strong as the leader. Your leadership journey must begin with leading yourself well.”
The Missing Conviction of Developing Leaders by Eric Geiger
Often our churches don’t raise up leaders because we lack conviction. Granted, it’s probably much more than that, but it is certainly not less. Based on the lack of leadership development in many churches it is clear that many church leaders lack a real conviction for developing leaders. If we look at Moses and Joshua, his successor, we see conviction for developing leaders in one and lacking in the other.
The Right Culture for Community by Ed Stetzer
So many churches are trying to get larger. They put a lot of time, energy, and money into their pursuit of getting bigger. The church needs to make getting small a priority. Church-health proponents are reminding pastors that the bigger the church gets, the smaller it has to get. In our research survey two-thirds of pastors told us they believe discipleship happens most effectively either one-on-one or in a group of fewer than five.
Why Small Groups Matter by Eric Geiger
Research strongly indicates the people in your church who are in a group are more likely to serve more sacrificially, share the gospel more frequently, give more generously, and repent more regularly than those not in a group. For this reason, we say boldly that “your groups matter.” They matter a lot to the spiritual health of your church.
3 Leadership Metaphors for Community by Brad Watson
Leadership is such a strange thing, especially in the West. The position of leadership is idolized while the role of leadership is neglected. Three metaphors describe the work of a missional community leader: gardener, model, and catalyst.
Best Quotes from Under Our Skin Webcast with Benjamin Watson
NFL player Benjamin Watson, and Pastor Darrin Patrick joined together on the one-year anniversary of the Ferguson, Missouri court case decision for a webcast about racial tension and how Christ brings reconciliation like no one else can.
Relational Economy by Kevin Spratt
Leaders should understand that in the cultures where they work and play there is an unspoken relational economy. At a 100,000-foot level, the work represents the credit account. Team members will give a ton of energy if they believe in the purpose.
The Genesis of Giving by Todd McMichen
This year, Todd read through Scripture and taking notes on the different biblical texts related to money with the intent on developing several sermon outlines. The Bible comes out of the gate strong in Genesis. Here are some easy topics you can consider for a future money series to disciple your people toward the generous life.
Why the Church Should Excel in Developing Leaders by Eric Geiger
In a local community, no other gathering of people or institution should outpace the church at forming and developing leaders because no other collection or gathering of people has a greater mission, a greater promise, and a greater reward.
10 Unforgettable Leadership Lessons by Faith Whatley
When you start to lead a team, treasured nuggets of advice from leaders who have poured into you are put to the test. Here’s some of the best leadership advice Faith has ever received.