We’re examining nine different types of leaders in your church and how to develop each one. We’re now looking at how to develop those who may require remedial action or removal from their current roles.
The workhorses are awesome to have on your team. Their average performance meets role expectations but their potential is low and you may have a difficult time discerning their next step in leadership development. Assigning this person additional responsibilities in their current role may help stretch and grow this person’s leadership potential. Also consider making them uncomfortable by forcing them to develop someone that they can delegate some of their current responsibilities too.
In limbo individuals have low performance and average potential. This individual does not meet current performance expectations, so they may require a bit more coaching with specific objectives and goals in mind. Providing a 90-day framework of mutually agreed upon goals and giving feedback throughout the process may be the most helpful way to improve their performance. This will likely jumpstart their progress and move them to the right or cause them to look for a new role with another organization.
The final grid of the nine box is the problem child. This person may not always be a problem per se but has both low performance and low potential. However, their performance may be unsatisfactory for a reason. Maybe they need more clarity in their responsibilities, maybe the role is a wrong fit. Reevaluate this individual within your leadership pipeline to determine if a different role or level of leadership would be a better fit. Again, this will likely jumpstart their progress and move them to the right or cause them to look for a new role with another organization.
Now that you know how to equip the workhorse, in limbo, and problem child, what are you going to do about it?