Woodlands Church in Plover, Wisconsin has a large and vibrant children’s ministry, but they were looking for a more effective way to train volunteers and develop leaders. In the past they would do volunteer training meetings in the fall which were comprised of many handouts (policies, curriculum, guidelines, etc.) and a huge amount of information being shared by the leaders running it.
And that’s if the volunteers could even make it. Like most ministries it was difficult to get all the volunteers to the church. Kids had soccer. A grandma was sick. A work trip came up. In short, life happened. And that meant that the staff spent months trying to catch those volunteers up while the volunteers did their best to make do in ministry without being trained. It’s an incredibly typical story.
Then Woodlands encountered Ministry Grid. It gave them ability to train volunteers in a timely fashion, at their own pace, and with material appropriate to their area of ministry and experience level. The effects on the team – their readiness, confidence, and ability to serve well and share Jesus with kids – has been remarkable. Watch for yourself.
If you would like to explore Ministry Grid further visit MinistryGrid.com/HowItWorks where you can watch a short demo video and get a free 30-day trial.
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