Mentoring is a hot topic today, especially in pastor circles. It seems that many pastors are seeking out a mentor to aid them as they journey into what it means to lead a church. Sometimes I speak with pastors who are being mentored and I’m astounded with some of the things they’re being told. It seems the supposedly biblical mentor has as the goal to raise up a church leader who is ambitious to build a Kingdom for himself.
The mentor is primarily about aiding the pastor in growing a big church rather than focusing the pastor on Kingdom principles that are espoused in the New Testament.
If Jesus were your mentor, I wonder if…
…There’d be no talk about how big your church will become… Jesus might even suggest that you thin the ranks. (Luke 14:25 – 33)
…Before teaching you the leadership principles necessary to direct a large organization He’d be discipling you so that you grow to spiritual maturity. (1 Timothy 3:1 – 7)
…He’d be telling you that your primary responsibility is to make disciples who make disciples not gather the largest crowds possible on weekends. (2 Timothy 2:2)
…He’d make you aware that staff members aren’t throw aways, they’re brothers and sisters in Christ just as important to the church as you are. (1 Corinthians 12 – 13)
…Jesus would be telling you that you are not under pressure to grow the church numerically because He determines the growth patterns of every church. (Hebrews 3:1 – 4)
…Jesus would be making you aware that the church is an organism and that He is the head of it, not an organization that you are the CEO of. (Ephesians 1:5 – 23)
Rick Howerton is a consultant and trainer on small groups. He is founding pastor of The Bridge Church in Spring Hill, Tennessee. He is the author of several books.