How would you like to provide essential, foundational training to the volunteers and leaders at your church in a way that is simple for you and digestible for them? We know that leadership is stressful and time-consuming and that preparing to train well can be a burden. That’s why the Lifeway Christian Resources Leadership Development team has developed Ministry Training Essentials.
Ministry Training Essentials are video training courses designed to be used either by individuals or in a group setting. They are available for 5 different ministry areas, and each area has two or more video courses comprised of several short videos interspersed with printable resources and discussion guides. Each course addresses one specific aspect of that ministry area so you can train your leaders with depth and clarity. The presenters in each video are church practitioners and ministry leaders who understand the challenges and speak to them well.
Small Groups
Small Group Basics
Small Group Challenges
Small Groups and Your Church
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School Basics
Teaching Adult Sunday School
Kids Ministry
Working with Babies and Toddlers
Working with Preschoolers
Working with Elementary Students
Student Ministry
Working with Middle School Students
Working with High School Students
Guest Services
Parking Lot Team
Door Greeters
Worship Center Greeters
Information Booth
Start utilizing this training today!