The Meaning of Leadership – Tony Dungy
The meaning of leadership is different for everyone. Tony explains why being a mentor leader is most effective.
Are You a Moody Leader? – Jeremie Kubicek
Do you allow a negative email to throw you off your entire day? Jeremie has noticed younger leaders tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves a bit more than older leaders. The best leaders settle down into their groove of confidence, based on security.
Thoughts on the Rise and Fall of Pastors – Scott Sauls
Some of us have come to believe that pastors aren’t allowed to be weak. Nor were they allowed to be human, like everybody else.
10 Sentences That Make Pastors Cringe – Thom Rainer
For sure, your pastor is not likely to let you know the pain these brief sentences cause. Here are ten of the most common painful sentences uttered to pastors by church members.