10 Leadership Traits that Produce Results – Kevin Lloyd
Every day I am asked to lead in some arena where I have very limited talent. The good news is that talent is overrated when it comes to making an impact as a leader. Talent creates unforgettable performers, but leadership demands something deeper.
5 Reasons Engagement Drives Church Growth – Carey Nieuwhof
To some extent, the attractional church has played into consumerism. Build something attractive and people will come. But increasingly, if you want to see your church grow, focus less on attracting people and more on engaging people.
4 Traits of the Best Leaders – Lisa Evans
Gone is the draconian leader who sits behind his mahogany desk in the corner office and delegates task after task, and in is the leader who isn’t afraid to show vulnerability and actively solicit input.
7 Reasons Why You Can Be a Leader – Art Rainer
Many have the ability to lead but do not realize it. In fact, there are several important leadership qualities that you probably have right now.