9 Surefire Ways to Make Your Church Completely Ineffective – Carey Nieuwhof
Carey often sees churches that love God and want to make an impact, but struggle to be effective. Here are 9 common challenges and ways to avoid them.
3 Simple Things Leaders Often Forget – Art Rainer
During the often-hectic day of a leader, many thoughts run through a leader’s head. Meetings, reviews, and lectures can consume the mind of a leader. And so it is without surprise that some crucial elements of leadership get unintentionally forgotten.
10 Misperceptions People Have About Their Pastors – Chuck Lawless
It can be easy to get the wrong impression about the real life struggles and strengths of our church leaders. Chuck breaks down some of the most common.
The Biggest Obstacles Leaders Face Are Themselves – Dan Rockwell
Dan Rockwell joins us on our 5 Leadership Questions podcast, and shares short, concise, powerful leadership insights.