Finding a Rhythm and Raising the Energy Level in Your Leaders – Rick Warren
The quickest way to destroy a team is to burn them out. But it’s possible to find a healthy working rhythm and ultimately increase the effective energy with which your leaders serve without causing them to burn out.
7 Absolutely Certain Ways to Grow as a Leader – Ron Edmondson
If you truly want to grow as a leader you will continually find ways to do so. You’ll read books, attend conferences, or get a mentor – simply because you want to grow.
2 Reminders from the Korean Church About Prayer – Trevin Wax
Praying constantly should feel normal, not strange. As I watched the Korean believers in action, I said to myself: Well, we believe King Jesus is present with us, so why not just stop and ask Him for something whenever we need it? This shouldn’t feel strange, but normal.
10 Practical Ways to Boost Your Energy Level – Michael Hyatt
In recent years, I’ve been very deliberate about managing my energy level. I’ve done a lot of reading on this and have taken the time to learn and experiment with what works.