How to Work with Anyone’s Productivity Style – Carson Tate
Your work style might clash with the work style of another. That difference in productivity style leads to misunderstandings and tension that, more often than not, impede you from effectively completing your best work.
The One Revolutionary Practice That’s Missing from Your Preaching – Robby Gallaty
Better preaching is a result of disciplined study, faithful exegesis, and proper application. In addition to these elements, let me offer one often overlooked practice that will revitalize your messages each week: a feedback loop.
4 Essential Leadership Practices in Ministry – Eric Geiger
I recently spoke to a group of young leaders, and was asked to speak about essential leadership practices—areas of leadership where ministry leaders must continually focus. There are at least four essential leadership practices that transcend a role on a local church staff.
4 Types of Churches That will Soon Die – Thom Rainer
There are four types of churches that will soon die. It is sad to watch the churches in these categories. Some congregations are in more than one category. And some are in all four.