How Does a Leader Live a Balanced Life? – Dan Reiland
I’ve had the opportunity to know some of the most incredible leaders behind the scenes. They all have one thing in common. They do not live what most people might consider a balanced life. At least not in the conventional understanding of “balanced”.
If You Want to Be More Productive, Get More Sleep – Michael Hyatt
This infographic describes how elite athletes sleep more in order to improve their performance. If you are a high-achiever, this might be the single most important tip I could give you for improving your productivity.
How Eric Geiger Manages His Time – Jeremy Roberts
Dr. Geiger and Jeremy discuss time management, leadership, and the “simple church” approach to ministry structure and discipleship.
3 Tips for Keeping & Engaging Millennials at Work – Lauren McAfee
Millennials are often considered self-absorbed, lazy, distracted, and entitled. But they are also capturing the attention of employers and researchers everywhere as they are on the way to becoming the majority of the work force.