By Paul Tripp
There is no such thing as a leader who doesn’t need to be led. You must be transparent, affirm your weaknesses, and surround yourself with people you’ve invited in to minister to you.
The Need for Transparency
Too many pastors and ministry leaders fear to confess the struggles that they are experiencing or the sin issues with which they’re wrestling. What they don’t realize is that by keeping quiet or by ignoring their weaknesses, they’re giving the enemy a foothold into their lives and their ministry.
Everyone needs community. Everyone needs someone who is willing to help them see things in their life that they wouldn’t be able to see by themselves.
Reaving Your Weaknesses
Is there are particular area of life in which you’re struggling? Is there a sin issue in your life that you have not confronted? God has not left you alone in these struggles. Look for people in your life who love you enough to help identify these areas of sin or struggle. Soften your heart to hear the things these people are saying.
Your weakness doesn’t compromise the message of the gospel. Your weakness preaches the message of the gospel! If we weren’t weak, Jesus wouldn’t have had a reason to come to earth. The cross argues that we are all weak. We need the strengthening of God’s grace and the community of believers around us to face these weaknesses.
You form community to help you through your weaknesses by being open about your weaknesses. Be wisely open and wisely vulnerable. Seek help and prayer from the community that surrounds you. God will build a community of protection around you. Every leader has weaknesses and every leader needs help. Be sure you lead with humility and vulnerability.
Adapted from Training Pathway: Discipleship. Check out more training videos on Ministry Grid here.