This ebook will help you...

Onboard volunteers more effectively

Create ministry checklists

Streamline the onboarding process

 Train new volunteers

 Develop job descriptions for volunteers

Learn about the 6 Essentials of Onboarding and Training New Volunteers

We all know that volunteers are the lifeblood of your church and ministry. The truth is that your church cannot carry out essential ministries without them. While this need in our church is obvious, you may not have the clarity necessary to actually onboard and train new volunteers as ministry opportunities arise. 

In this eBook, Todd Adkins shares 6 essentials for Onboarding and Training New Volunteers which include: 

  1. Ministry Checklists
  2. Volunteer Job Descriptions
  3. Onboarding Applications
  4. Onboarding Training
  5. Ministry Hand-offs
  6. Ongoing Development

If you want to dive even deeper, we have a FREE course on Ministry Grid that coincides with this eBook.