Abuse Prevention and Response Training

This free training can be assigned and tracked for each volunteer and leader in your church.

Brad Hambrick, Pastor of Counseling at The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, discusses how to care for the alleged victim, alleged victim's parents, and alleged perpetrator, all while cooperating with legal authorities, in the initial stages of response. Brad additionally provides downloadable sample response plans, sexual abuse allegation report forms, and recommended medical and counseling resources. 

What Is Covered

Video: Response Plan for Sexual Abuse Against a Minor at Church


Download: Sexual Abuse Allegation Report Form: Meeting with Alleged Victim


Download: Sexual Abuse Allegation Report Form: Meeting with Alleged Perpetrator



Download: Medical and Counseling Resources

Download: Sample: Response Plan for Sexual Abuse Against a Minor at Church



Download: Sample: Kids Ministry Training Manual

Want more training for your volunteers and leaders?

Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused is a curriculum designed to equip the church on how to respond well to the initial report of abuse.

Check out additional Ministry Grid resources here.