Today I want to talk to you about the process of discipleship to guide people in your church toward becoming a fully devoted follower of Christ. Let’s take a look.
Jesus left us with the Great Commission in Matthew 28. When we reach new people, we often incorrectly view that person’s decision to follow Christ as the finish line. That’s not right. It’s the starting line of discipleship and we must continue to come alongside them in the biblical basics in the context of a relationship. That will help them grow and learn things like spiritual disciplines and basic doctrines. As they grow, we are then equipping them to share their faith story and reach new people. We are also equipping them to understand their gifts and abilities and how to best use those in the church. They are now then mobilized for ministry within the church and hopefully outside the church. This again leads back to reaching more people for the Kingdom.
Consider your church for a moment. How are you leading out in a discipleship process – in a framework that helps people grow in the context of a relationship that equips them to multiply themselves and mobilizes them for ministry? Think about this process of discipleship and determine what you are going to do about it.