90 Second Leadership – Succession 9-Box
Today, I want to introduce you to the 9 box. This particular 9 box is on the succession. The x- axis is about performance and the y-axis is about potential. You can use this construct to plot your leaders and volunteers and actually help develop a plan for them to get them to the next level of leadership.
Let’s take a look at one of these: for instance, if a person is high potential and high performance those guys are ready to become leaders now. The next area I would focus now are the boxes in the section surrounding the ‘now’. This section, is the next stop. These people are on deck for succession, the problem is that they have a few things to work on before they get into the now category. What you can do with them is based on who they are and where they are, you can help them move toward the ‘now’.
Finally, you have all of the people in the other sections. They all have their own issues. A person with high potential and low performance, you don’t know if they are a poser or a prodigy. Help them to focus and master the competencies that they have been given. They may be new and unchallenged, but it’s up to you to help them move forward. I have given you the construct, what are you going to do about it?