90 Second Leadership – What is Your Risk of Vacancy?
Today I want to talk to you about the vulnerability matrix. This matrix is talking about the vulnerability of your ministry when a leader leaves. It could be a staff person or volunteer, how vulnerable are you when you don’t have a successor in place?
What we are looking at is your vulnerability. You want to look at what impact will this have to your organization? How important is their role in the day to day ministry of your church? What you’re also looking at is the risk of vacancy. How likely are they to move on?
Is the impact low, medium or high? Is the risk of vacancy low medium or high?
Some things that could mean a potential for a risk of vacancy include life stage. Do they have kids that just went to college? Do they have new kids? Did they just adopt a child? Did they just change jobs? Also, the competitive market. Honestly, competitive market could be outside the church or inside the church. If someone has a more clear or compelling vision than you do, you may lose one of your key volunteers.
The other piece is if someone is actually satisfied with your ministry. Are they being developed? Are they being changed? Are they being appreciated? And lastly, it is about a passion fit. Are they passionate about your ministry or are they just filling a job? If they’re just filling a job, you may be at risk of losing them.
Hopefully this gives you a quick, easy framework to say “Hey, how vulnerable am I in some of my key positions in my church?” Now that you have an easy framework, what are you going to do about it?