90 Second Leadership – Leadership or Management: Which Is More Important?
Leadership or management? Which is more important to your church or organization? In today’s changing world, the answer is both. Here’s a framework to help articulate to your team the importance of both.
Getting there is asking, “Where is our church or organization going? Our church has this vision and this mission. How will we accomplish it?”
Leadership sets a direction. Leadership is innovative, adaptive, and creates change. But if we’re not careful, it can be chaotic.
Management is finding efficiencies and creating day-to-day systems and processes. Management is making sure that the church or organization is well run, but management may cause things to become bogged down and bureaucratic.
Where we want to be is both well run and innovative and adaptive. The only way you can get there is by looking at the leaders who are developing within your church. Do you have a strong leadership pipeline in place that builds people to be both good at leadership and good at management? The only way to do that is to make sure you have core competencies in place within your leadership pipeline.
Now that you have this framework, what are you going to do about it?