My friend Eric Geiger wrote an article about the intentionality and the intensity of a leader and their importance. That post led to today’s discussion.
If you are not intense and not intentional, why are you even here? What are you even doing? If you are not passionate and don’t have a strong work ethic, then you are not contributing anything to your church or organization.
If you are intense but not intentional, then you are creating chaos for your team. Without intentionality there is a lack of clarity and direction for those under your leadership and your team likely feels like they are scrambling all the time and frantic.
If you are intentional but not intense, then you are pretty much an internal consultant. You may clearly have the mission defined and strategy and values but you lack passion to inspire and encourage your team to execute at their best.
However, if you have both intensity and intentionality, you are a trusted leader. You balance both clarity and being able to have passion to lead your team to your clear and focused goals.
Now that you understand this quadrant, evaluate your leadership intensity and intentionality and decide what you are going to do about it.