90 Second Leadership – Creating a Recruiting Culture: Skills
The next component we want to talk about in creating a recruiting culture is skills.
Most people hear “leadership pipeline,” and think vertical advancement. I want you to understand success in a leadership pipeline is not progression. Success is becoming who God has created you to be and multiplying yourself at that current leadership level.
As part of your church’s leadership pipeline, you must identify core universal competencies or skills for each level of leadership to determine if someone is qualified and competent to serve at that leadership level. It doesn’t matter what their ministry area is. For example, if someone leads a team of ushers or serves as a small group leader, they should each be competent in handling conflict well. In addition to these core competencies, there are also role-based ministry competencies. In doing so, we prepare them to be a good usher or a good small group leader. Our church needs a pipeline, and that individual leader needs a pathway.
We believe people need a map, not a menu for their training and development. When those competencies are clearly defined within our church’s leadership pipeline, we make it easy for volunteers and leaders to serve in different areas of ministry at their current leadership level and to know their next steps for development.
Now that you better understand what skills are and their importance in creating a recruiting culture, what are you going to do about it?
To learn more about how to create a culture of recruiting in your church, join us at Pipeline 2018: Recruit, Develop, Repeat. For information and to register, click here.