Today I want to talk to you about the importance of communicating clear values in your church. If I asked you and your team to connect these dots, chances are each person would come up with a different image even though you all start with the same set of dots. Why? Because of your perspective, your personality, and your perception of what these dots should look like.
The same is true with your church. Though every church shares the same starting point for its vision – the great commandment, the great commission – the way that we approach it is unique, because every church has its own personality and distinct set of values. And those unique values drive the way we view things and how decisions are made and how we move toward our vision.
So, values influence the core systems and the way the church runs, how decisions are made, and how it looks to outside eyes. So, do your people know your values? Do they understand how they influence the decisions that they make and how it helps you fulfill your church’s mission and vision? Would they be able to connect the dots and draw the same picture?
Now that you understand the importance of communicating a clear set of values, what are you going to do about it?
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