We all know that volunteers are the lifeblood of your church and ministry. The truth is that your church cannot carry out essential ministries without them. While this need in our church is obvious, you may not have the clarity necessary to actually onboard and train new volunteers as ministry opportunities arise.
If that’s the case, you’re not alone. A Lifeway Research study of pastors’ needs revealed that 77% said their greatest difficulty in ministry is developing volunteers and leaders while 68% struggle with training current volunteers and leaders.1 Odds are likely you feel these same pain points as you lead your church or ministry.
So why does volunteer development feel more challenging in our churches than ever before?
As church leaders, we should have high expectations of our volunteers. And they should have a great expectation on us to set them up well to succeed in their ministry roles. But you can’t effectively onboard, train, and equip volunteers unless you have clarified and simplified ministry systems and processes to hand it off.
What if your church could take disjointed, informal systems and turn them into organized, streamlined processes for onboarding and training new volunteers? What if these resources could be shared with your people anytime and anywhere? And what if you could customize these resources to best meet the needs of your church or ministry?
Here are six essential volunteer resources on Ministry Grid to help your church with onboarding processes, ministry training, and ongoing development.
- Ministry checklists
- Volunteer job descriptions
- Onboarding applications
- Onboarding training
- Ministry hand-offs
- Ongoing development
If this sounds overwhelming, don’t worry. We created a free ebook to help you onboard and train your new volunteers. You can download it here.
1. Lifeway Research, “The Greatest Needs of Pastors” (Nashville: Lifeway Christian Resources, 2021).