Launched in April 2014, the Lifeway Church Leaders blog has been blessed to resource church and ministry leaders of all kinds. Thanks to our faithful readers, here are the five most-read articles of 2014:
5. The Dangerous Task of Expository Preaching by Michael Cooper
“I advocate for an unusual, counter-cultural form of preaching. Preaching that pushes against the age of Facebook and Twitter. Preaching that isn’t a dollar-menu burger but a juicy steak. Preaching that takes the Bible seriously. Preaching that corrects the sickness of most preaching.”
4. 3 Ways to Love Negative Nancy by J. A. Medders
“Every pastor, ministry leader, and church-goer knows what a negative church person smells like. Cantankerous with a hint of Folgers.”
3. Over-Pastoring and Under-Pastoring by Tim Chester
“There are two common dangers in pastoral ministry and Paul is alert to both of them. Over-pastoring is what happens when a leader or leaders exercise too much control in the life of the church. Under-pastoring is what happens when a leader or leaders exercise too little leadership within a congregation.”
2. 7 Reasons a Leader Feels Insecure by Johnny Hunt
“Many people want to lead, but few actually do. Many people think they’re leading, but few actually are. Insecurity by its very nature is deceptive.”
1. 3 Wrong Assumptions Church Leaders Make by Trevin Wax
“As a church leader, you’ve probably noticed that when your assumptions are incorrect, you’re more likely to implement plans that don’t go anywhere. Why? Because what we’ve assumed to be true about the people in our congregations isn’t in line with reality. So, we’re forced to go back to the drawing board to determine what went wrong.”
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